We create powerful coaching conversations by staying true to a clear philosophy. We hold that people are much more resourceful and creative than they sometimes realise – all they need are the right conditions in which to tap into their own innate wisdom.
And we see the coachee as the true expert on his or her life – not us.
So, rather than talking too much, we tend to listen hard. (Although, of course, we do at times open our mouths – to reflect back what we’ve heard, or offer an appropriate challenge, or simply ask an unlocking question.)
As Anotherway coaches we see it as our job to create the best possible conditions for a safe, supportive and generative conversation. A conversation in which the coachee does the important work – not us.
We believe our style of coaching is so effective we don’t just offer it, we teach it. Either as part of our major training and development programmes, or in specialist one-day workshops.
What can you expect from a coaching session? ‘What is Coaching?’
“I got so much from my Anotherway coaching. At times I really caught myself by surprise. I had no idea what I’d been thinking and feeling – until I heard it come out of my mouth.”
“The Anotherway four-day development programme woke me up. The coaching sessions that followed help me stay awake so I could go on growing.”
“I’ve never been listened to so well. What I learned about listening in my Anotherway coaching sessions is something I try to take back to my work with my team.”
We create powerful leadership conversations by holding true to the belief that there’s a leader inside everyone. For us, being a leader is about taking initiatives for the good of others. It’s about inspiring those around you. And it’s about being human, not superhuman.
For us, good leadership also begins with self-awareness. So that’s where we start all our leadership development programmes and workshops – with self-understanding as the necessary precursor to understanding the people you lead.
All our programmes are bespoke – no two are exactly alike. But, for a flavour of the subjects we cover, take a look at one of our programmes, ‘The Human Leader’.
“You’ve really opened my eyes to what it means to be a leader. I’ve come away from this training feeling so much more confident and really inspired.”
“This chance to explore my own style as a leader has changed me. I feel humbler and wiser now – and grateful.”
“You’ve reminded me that leadership is not a thing you do – it’s more about being the person you are. Thank you.”
We create powerful team-building conversations by keeping things personal.
We don’t use jargon. We don’t overcomplicate things with too many business school models. Instead, we focus hard on the simple, compelling human truths that drive and unite us all.
Why? Because we know, from experience, that all thinking, feeling individuals engage best, and respond best, when treated as exactly that – as thinking, feeling individuals. And we also know that things most often go wrong in teams, and organisations, when this essential fact is overlooked or forgotten.
So, when it comes to effective team-building, we see our job as being to create the conditions in which participants can connect first and foremost to their humanity – and to that of others. In these conditions trust can arise. And when trust arises, people will at last feel safe enough to risk being vulnerable – to risk engaging with one another at a far more authentic and productive level.
“I’ll be honest, as a leadership team we didn’t exactly gel. After two days with Anotherway we’d really started to turn things round – and we’d actually experienced the power of being a genuinely united group.”
“The FIRO-B instrument Anotherway used with us was invaluable. it helped us understand and celebrate our individual differences rather than see them as a block.”
“The more I got to understand my colleagues through the Anotherway process the more I got to like and admire them. It was a surprising experience – and really, really moving.“
 Just; to say again how much I enjoyed the course (quite rare you can honestly say that about a training but I was really looking forward to the second session and seeing the guys again!) and I’m already starting to see the benefits … Thanks to this course, I feel confident and equipped to proactively address [my areas for development] in a positive and measured way. ANOTHERWAY PROGRAMME ATTENDEE
 They; brought astonishing insight into our business – helping us to see the patterns of behaviour and thinking that were holding us back. Whether working in groups or in one-to-one coaching, they stand out for me because of their extraordinary ability to get to the heart of things. They balance honesty with compassion and challenge with respect. Working with them had a profound impact on me – and on my teams. JOHNNY WEBB CO-FOUNDER & MD, SUNDOG PICTURES
 In; their latest assignment the focus was on waking up 50 or so of our top-level staff to the realities of a very challenging, very fast-moving situation. To survive and then flourish, these senior managers needed to acquire new skills, new insights and a totally transformed perspective on themselves and their business in an extremely short amount of time. It was done, brilliantly, through a combination of formal training and one-to-one coaching. The impact was positive and dramatic - for the individual participants, for the staff and departments they manage, and for the organisation as a whole. TONY GRACE, CFO, YODEL
 The; team at Anotherway have a great knack of swiftly getting to the very heart of what needs to be done in order to raise performance. They work closely with the leaders of a business to understand their needs and then create impactful ways to raise awareness and make positive changes to behaviour for the future. DANIEL ELEY, FORMER HEAD OF PEOPLE & DEVELOPMENT, JAMIE OLIVER GROUP
 The; work we did together helped us clarify problems within our organisation and identify elegant solutions. The ideas were constructive and helpful at all times. MELANIE CLORE, CHAIRMAN EUROPE, SOTHEBY’S
 I; have to say our work together proved to be a transformational experience which delivered total ease and clarity of communication across the whole business. CLAUDIA ROSENCRANTZ, FORMER DIRECTOR OF ENTERTAINMENT AT ITV AND DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMMES, LIVING TV GROUP
 We; did something really special together, a retreat that Anotherway organised and developed from an idea born during a personal coaching session. Making me comfortable in myself was the first step, what I perceived to be the hardest and biggest step, and the AnotherWay team expanded that across the whole team, opened our souls to each other and built a trust, a bond and a kinship. I could not have done that without the Anotherway team and whilst I can’t explain how it worked, I have a team that will all confirm “it did” ! KEVIN ROBERTSON, MANAGING DIRECTOR, WARTSILA WATER SYSTEMS, HAMWORTHY
 Having; partnered with Anotherway for over two years now, we have come to trust them as an extension of our team - an insightful and catalysing extension of our team. Our business has been through a major transformation and Anotherway have worked with us as a leadership team, and then with our broader management population, to help us understand and tap into the behaviours and operational mechanics that enabled us to change successfully. ALEX MOWLE, HEAD OF PEOPLE AT VIRGIN MEDIA
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